CognitoUser Decorator

Learn how to access authenticated user information in your NestJS application using the @CognitoUser decorator.


The @CognitoUser decorator provides convenient access to the authenticated user's information from AWS Cognito. It can be used in three different ways to retrieve user data:

  1. Full user object
  2. Single property access
  3. Multiple properties selection

Usage Patterns

1. Full User Object

Retrieve the complete user object containing all available Cognito user information:

import { Authentication, CognitoUser } from '@nestjs-cognito/auth';
import type { CognitoJwtPayload } from "@nestjs-cognito/core";

export class UserController {
  getProfile(@CognitoUser() user: CognitoJwtPayload) {
    return user;

This approach gives you access to all user attributes available in the JWT token.

2. Single Property Access

Extract a specific property from the user object:

export class UserController {
  getEmail(@CognitoUser('email') email: string) {
    return email;

  getUsername(@CognitoUser('username') username: string) {
    return username;

This method is useful when you only need one specific attribute, making your code more concise and explicit.

3. Multiple Properties Selection

Select multiple specific properties from the user object:

export class UserController {
  getDetails(@CognitoUser(['username', 'email', 'groups']) user) {
    return user; // Returns object with only selected properties

  getPreferences(@CognitoUser(['locale', 'timezone']) preferences) {
    return preferences;

This approach allows you to select multiple specific attributes while excluding unnecessary data.

Available Properties

Common properties available through the @CognitoUser decorator:

  • sub - The unique identifier for the user
  • email - User's email address
  • email_verified - Email verification status
  • username - Cognito username
  • groups - User's group memberships
  • custom:* - Any custom attributes defined in your user pool
  1. Error Handling: Handle cases where requested properties might not exist in the token payload:
async getPreferences(@CognitoUser(['locale']) preferences) {
  if (!preferences.locale) {
    return { locale: 'default' };
  return preferences;